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I had laser surgery a few months ago. Do I still need to get my eyes checked regularly?

Question: I had laser surgery a few months ago. Do I still need to get my eyes checked regularly? Answer: Yes! It is very important to receive routine eye examinations after laser eye surgery. Laser vision correction reduces the need for visual aids by eliminating the common prescriptions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.  However, it does not […]

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Do the photochromatic lenses in my everyday glasses have the same effect as sunglasses?

Answer: Photochromic lenses (commonly known as Transitions ™) are a great option for adding convenience and comfort to your prescription lenses. Photochromatic lenses use a proprietary UV sensitive technology that allows them to remain clear inside yet tint darker when outside in the sun. The difference between photochromatic lenses and sunglasses is that photochromatic lenses change […]

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