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What products do you recommend?

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Question: My friends recommend different brands of eye drops and I am unsure which would work best for me. What products do you recommend?

Answer: Excellent question, as not all eyes drops are the same! Even drops that are marketed for the same thing, such as lubricating drops, are all different in their composition and how they are best used. Generally, you shouldn’t be using any eye drops unless your eye care professional has suggested them. Often people assume that over the counter medications are always safe. However, any product used incorrectly has risk, and delaying appropriate diagnosis can make management of your condition more difficult to treat.

Your Optometrist can give recommendations based on your specific needs, as well as ensuring you are using the product safely. In some cases prescription drops are more appropriate than over the counter options. As well, there are treatments that are only available through an eye care clinic. Additionally, there may be therapies other than drops that are recommended such as supplements, Omega 3s, or hot compress masks.

Everyone’s eyes are different. Contact your Optometrist if you have any questions regarding what products they recommend, and what would be most beneficial to your specific needs!

Written by Mayfair Optometric Clinic

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