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Category: Eye Care

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My doctor diagnosed me with diabetes and said I need to see an Optometrist

Question: My doctor diagnosed me with diabetes and said I need to see an Optometrist to have my eyes checked. What does the eye have to do with diabetes? Answer: Most people know that diabetes is a disease that affects the blood sugar levels in the body. But knowing how that impacts the body is another story. […]

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I need to wear safety glasses at my job

Question: I need to wear safety glasses at my job, but also wear prescription glasses. Can they be combined? Answer: Yes! Prescription safety eyewear is a very common request, and is an excellent idea as it can keep you safe, increase your comfort, and prevent your normal prescription glasses from being damaged. There are many different types […]

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Why do you use so many instruments during an eye examination?

Question: Why do you use so many instruments during an eye examination? Are they really necessary? Answer: As technology has advanced, it has greatly enhanced our ability to detect and manage many eye diseases to provide the best care. There are also many instruments that can be used to get results faster, allowing for more time with […]

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I had laser surgery a few months ago. Do I still need to get my eyes checked regularly?

Question: I had laser surgery a few months ago. Do I still need to get my eyes checked regularly? Answer: Yes! It is very important to receive routine eye examinations after laser eye surgery. Laser vision correction reduces the need for visual aids by eliminating the common prescriptions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.  However, it does not […]

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