Question: I have never worn contact lenses before, but would like to wear them when I am exercising. How do I go about finding the right ones for me? Answer: Contact lenses are an excellent option for those who require a prescription, but cannot or do not want to wear glasses. There are many factors that go […]
What exactly is astigmatism?
Question: What exactly is astigmatism? Answer: This is a very common question and is one of the most misunderstood terms. Patients often describe that their eye is shaped like a football or is egg shaped. Simply put, astigmatism is a long word for “the front of my eye (cornea) isn’t perfectly round”. That out of round causes […]
My doctor diagnosed me with diabetes and said I need to see an Optometrist
Question: My doctor diagnosed me with diabetes and said I need to see an Optometrist to have my eyes checked. What does the eye have to do with diabetes? Answer: Most people know that diabetes is a disease that affects the blood sugar levels in the body. But knowing how that impacts the body is another story. […]
I have a family history of Macular Degeneration.
Question: I have a family history of Macular Degeneration. What steps do I need to take to determine if I have this condition too? Answer: It is a very good idea to be tested for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), especially if there is a family history of it. If diagnosed early, there are treatment options that can […]
What products do you recommend?
Question: My friends recommend different brands of eye drops and I am unsure which would work best for me. What products do you recommend? Answer: Excellent question, as not all eyes drops are the same! Even drops that are marketed for the same thing, such as lubricating drops, are all different in their composition and how they […]
I need to wear safety glasses at my job
Question: I need to wear safety glasses at my job, but also wear prescription glasses. Can they be combined? Answer: Yes! Prescription safety eyewear is a very common request, and is an excellent idea as it can keep you safe, increase your comfort, and prevent your normal prescription glasses from being damaged. There are many different types […]
Do I need to see my Optometrist more often now that I am a senior?
Question: Do I need to see my Optometrist more often now that I am a senior? I have to hold the newspaper quite far away to read now, and I think my vision is worsening. Answer: Current recommendations for adults 65 and older are to have their eyes checked every year. As we grow older we are […]
My child wants to get colored contact lenses to go with their Halloween costume this year
Question: My child wants to get colored contact lenses to go with their Halloween costume this year. Are these safe for their eyes? Answer: Cosmetic contact lenses can be a very exciting way to change a look or complete a costume. However, there are many reasons that a contact lens is considered a medical device. A contact […]
Why do you use so many instruments during an eye examination?
Question: Why do you use so many instruments during an eye examination? Are they really necessary? Answer: As technology has advanced, it has greatly enhanced our ability to detect and manage many eye diseases to provide the best care. There are also many instruments that can be used to get results faster, allowing for more time with […]
My optometrist wants me to get a visual field test
Question: My optometrist wants me to get a visual field test after completing my routine eye exam, but my husband does not need to. Why is this? Answer: An extensive visual field test is generally not a part of a routine eye exam. It is performed if your optometrist deems it necessary. There are many eye conditions […]