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Ask the Doctor: How to Choose the Right Contact Lenses for Your Lifestyle

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Dr. Taylor

Question: I am thinking about getting back into wearing contact lenses for certain social and sport activities after taking a break from them for many years, but there are so many more options with disposables than before. How do I know what type of lenses I should get?

Answer: There are definitely a multitude of choices in contact lenses nowadays, and each option has pros and cons. The first thing to do is to book an eye exam with your optometrist and mention you are interested in trying contact lenses again. They will ensure you are currently a suitable candidate for wearing them, and if there are no contraindications, they will guide you further about what lens type is the best for you based on your eye health and how you want to use them. Speaking generally, though, I am happy to give you a primer about some factors you might like to think about prior to your appointment.

Daily lenses, meaning you wear them once and throw them away, are likely the ideal choice in your case. For the occasional wearing style you suggested in your question it is almost certainly the best way to go, as you don’t have to worry about disinfecting lenses or trying to remember when you wore them last to know if they should be thrown out. Dailies are in fact the most convenient, comfortable, and hygienic choice overall for many wearing styles, as the lenses tend to be made of the most breathable materials and you open a fresh, sterile pair every time. The only potential downside is cost if you are wearing them every day, but the slightly higher cost for a year’s supply of dailies compared to bi-weekly or monthly replacement lenses is often balanced out by not having to buy lens solution or worry about contamination or loss. For those reasons many people are now choosing one-day lenses, whether you plan to wear them every day or just once in a while.

Ultimately, the choice of whether contact lenses are a good option for you, and if so what kind of lens would work best, will be based on the results of a current exam and then a discussion with the doctor about your eye health, prescription requirements, and lifestyle, so if it’s something you are interested in, book that appointment and get the process started!

Written by Mayfair Optometric Clinic

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