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Ask The Doctor – Do all optometrists have the same qualifications?

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Dr. Taylor

 I was wondering: if all optometrists in town have the same qualifications, does it really matter which doctor I see for my regular eye check-ups?

Answer: Optometry has been a regulated profession in BC since 1921, and while it’s true that to practice here all optometrists in the province have to meet rigorous standards and are highly trained eye care professionals, where you choose to get your eyes tested can still have a significant impact on your health. Continuity of care is crucial for several reasons. When you visit the same optometrist for years, they can develop a comprehensive understanding of your unique eye health history. Nearly all modern optometry practices have diagnostic equipment that stores photos they have taken on previous visits of the back of your eye; those images, in combination with a thorough physical eye examination, allow them to track any changes in your vision and eye health more accurately. Additionally, your optometrist will also have access to your complete medical history as reported by you, any medications you take (or have taken), previous treatments you’ve had, and a record of any referrals made to or from specialists on your behalf. Any time you see your eye doctor for either a routine exam or for a more urgent concern, it is crucial that you update them about any health changes, eye-related or not, and make sure they have the most up-to-date list of any medications you might be taking, as things that don’t seem connected on the surface may in fact be correlated when you have all the pieces of the puzzle in one place. The information that the office will have on file about you is vital for making informed decisions about your eye care and ensuring that any treatments or prescriptions are safe and appropriate for you. Less quantifiable but no less important, a consistent relationship with your optometrist that has been built over time fosters better communication and trust. You’re more likely to feel comfortable discussing any medical symptoms you may be experiencing with someone who you have developed a rapport with, leading to more personalized and effective care. So, while all optometrists in BC are well-qualified, the continuity of care provided by seeing the same optometrist can lead to a better, more tailored treatment plan that takes into account all available information. It’s not just about the qualifications; it’s about building a relationship that prioritizes your long-term eye health.

Written by Mayfair Optometric Clinic

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